
















































































GREEN SUSTAINABILITY DISTANCE EDUCATION UNIVERSITIES: Accredited Nature-Connecting Online Alternative and Natural Holistic Bachelors Masters and PhD Degrees, Sensory Courses, Jobs and Career Training Education, Includes certified life experience equivalence and prior instruction, hands-on sustainable environmental programs  


Educating and Counseling With Nature

Sustainable Growth Careers and Green Sustainability

Project NatureConnect
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington, USA
Institute of Global Education 

Holistic Alternative Online Natural Health Wellness Spirituality
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social Council
Careers, Sustainable Jobs, Degrees Graduate Schools Scholarships


The sustainable growth careers and green sustainabiity course, university syllabus, below, describes a significant breakthrough: distance education sustainable counseling and therapy training that includes your prior learning, equivalence courses and life experience that offers financial aid grants.
It helps you remedy the excessive  disconnection of our psyche from nature's flow that produces our disorders. Its applied ecopsychology helps you follow nature's path to Earth and humanity in peaceful balance. 


Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature

Degrees, Grants, Career Training Courses and Jobs Online.

Individuals who have enjoyed a refreshing visit in a natural area often report that their sensory contact with nature's balance and beauty increased their well-being in lasting ways. They say that the connection renewed their psyche, cleared their mind and energized their spirit. To this end, the remarkable process of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) empowers anyone, anytime, to increase personal, social and environmental well-being, and to help others do the same.

ECHN students learn how to help nature's self-correcting ways interlace with their heart, mind and spirt. This enables them, along with their clients and friends, to increase health and wellness through a grant for thinking, feeling and relating like nature's perfection works.

Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature sustainable growth training offesr critical nature connected distant education and university distance learning along with graduate school scholarships and alternative careers degrees, and jobs. They are designed for independent thinkers who want to add sensory nature-contact methods to therapy, teaching or coaching practices. The green sustainability need is great for those who have the integrity and dedicated passion to master sustainable, green, health and wellness spirituality skills.  They help individuals who need or seek a safe alternative to the destructive ways of society that block the restorative flow of nature in through and around us. 

We honor your desire to blend your life experience and training with your respect for nature, by providing special grants and equivalence credit for it.

If you like, you may combine our certified accredited sustainability coursework with a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most subjects, personal interests, or jobs. (see bottom of this page)
  • Help people remedy their disturbing thoughts and feelings with the special grace, balance and restorative powers of nature's pulsating flow.
  • Increase income through a Natural Attraction Ecology stress-relief and stress management grant.
  • Strengthen personal social and environmental self-esteem and well being .
  • Add the sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your needs and community.
Visit our Homepage for complete information

The Confrontive Truth That Faces You and Me

Natural Science With Attitude: Rational urges emanating fro

ECO 502: Educating and Counseling With Nature II:


PART ONE: 5 Credits and

PART TWO 4 Credits 


Also listed as the Portland State University Extended Studies Course as



Dear Participant.

Welcome to the Part One Course in Educating and Counseling With Nature that starts on the date to be announced to you by email. The email will also contain the confidential list of addresses of your interact group members. Say hello to each other, send to them as a group, your two paragraph introduction to yourself, proceed with the course schedule and lets have some fun.

The rewards on this course come from doing the work itself, from building constructive, gratifying webstring relationships with people and NIAL, not from grades or praise from a mentor. That is similar to how nature works.

Set the addresses up as a group mailing list. If you want, you can use the addressed email letter as a form. Duplicate it, erase the previous messages and send it out. It will go to all. Usually, all you have to do is select "reply to all" on the messages you receive, as they will contain all the addresses.

This group may have a coach/facilitator. I will be as active and helpful as occasions permit. The course runs and teaches itself, as does nature, as long as each person cooperates and follows the course instructions. Sharing your lives and discoveries in coming into balance with webstrings and the story of contemporary society provide a powerful, practical education.

This course is an outreach program of the Institute of Global Education, Department of Integrated Ecology and is subsidized by Project NatureConnect, past course participants and myself. As an independent interact group you may, with the consent of all, arrange the schedule times faster or slower as suits your collective needs. For example, you could put 2 -4 days between the assignments instead of one, however this would lengthen the course time.

Please note that, unless otherwise requested, we, on occasion, anonymously distribute occasional postings from the the course to the natureconnect List, our newsletter, and other interested parties. This helps the course serve its purpose: to have ecopsychology experiences help unify the natural world and people The distributions enable others to become familiar with the course and to people's potential when they are connected to nature.

We welcome your support and suggestions for making this course available internationally.

Owls and howls,

Mike Cohen


NOTE: This schedule is based on the course participants having completed the prerequisite Orientation Course, Introductory Course and participants having a copy of the book Well Mind, Well Earth


Students investigate advanced techniques to promote personal, social and environmental responsibility by mastering and adapting unique "nature-connecting" methods for personal and professional use. Students continue their work with a two or three person study team with whom they interact.

They may assume the role of an intern, helping to promote, organize, and guide presentations for a selected group. Students exchange and react to their teaching, findings and evaluation efforts and prepare reflective paper of at least 3 double-spaced typewritten pages discussing how the program has informed their understandings of the importance of Applied Ecopsychology and Integrated Ecology within their personal and professional lives.




The focus of this course is on the expert application of many sensory nature reconnecting activities, beyond the Orientation Course ECO 500, and Introductory Course ECO 501 that improve counseling and education in human service settings. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

*Identify the core concepts of the theoretical frameworks of Applied Ecopsychology and apply them in various settings.

*Articulate the perspectives that the student would incorporate in developing courses and workshops, provide rationale for the use of the perspective(s) chosen, and implement them

*Apply theoretical constructs in applied settings in order to improve the receptivity and use of the sensory nature reconnecting activities.

*Gather and present evidence about the theory that natural attractions are forms of love that, from the beginning of time, have been conscious of themselves. In nature, attraction, love and consciousness are identical.



There is a vital need for people to help build socially and environmentally responsible relationships that increase people's energy and reduce their stress and numbness. Most of our problem relationships don't readily improve because we are bonded to the destructive way of thinking that produces them. Our continuing personal and environmental problems are psychological addictions and must be treated as such if they are to change. This course offers a practicum in teaching and researching a psychological key to resolving our dilemmas and leads to personal and environmental wellness. The course enables the student to implement and teach a Natural Systems Thinking Process that helps people create moments that let Earth heal itself and us.



- Electronic materials for email and internet access.

-Assigned Texts
*Well Mind, Well Earth, Michael J. Cohen, World Peace University Press**

*Connecting With Nature, Michael J. Cohen, World Peace University Press**


**Order from:

World Peace Publications
P. O. Box 1605
Friday Harbor, WA 98250 USA
Email: nature@pacificrim.net
Tel: (360) 378-6313




In the two weeks before starting the course

OPTIONAL: 1. Only if you find it helpful, determine your GBT Score if you have not already done so as part of the Introductory Course

OPTIONAL: NOTE, as above, that on the course you re-evaluate your GBT score on Assignments 5, 10, 15, 20. It serves for some as a means to produce a new brain function that represents whole person growth.

-Assignment 1: (Requires seven posting days to be set by group consent)

Part A

*The student commits to participating in a consensus based student facilitator's interact group of two or more additional students and the course mentor.

Within the three month time frame allotted pursue the following Part One assignments.

*The student commits to cooperatively participating in the activities in the self-guiding book, Well Mind, Well Earth by Michael J. Cohen

*The student commits to -by consensus with her/his interact group- determining, setting and adhering to a schedule of assignment due/posting days.

*Before proceeding, read the evaluation requirements for this course which appear below. Engage in them as you do the course so that they will be readily available to present for your evaluation.

*Write a short introductory statement about yourself and your Natural Systems Thinking Process personal and professional goals and email them to your interact group.

*Read the evaluation requirements for this course which appear near the bottom of this page (EVALUATION AND GRADING ASSIGNMENTS). Recognize and keep written track of them as you do the course so that they will be readily available to present in your paper and grading during evaluation.

*With your interact group read and become involved in the the Forward material up to Part One in Well Mind, Well Earth as follows:

-0btain permission from a natural area to visit it and while there:

-One at a time, read the quotes of Front3 to this natural area and ask it if it would consent to react to them or add to them. Note how and what occurs.

-Relate how you as the father would respond to your daughter under the circumstances described in Front 4.

-On front 5-6, if Dr. Schneider is correct, how do you explain that most people do not become involved in the Natural Systems Thinking Process when they hear about it.

- On Front 7, and each additional chapter, discover what, if any connection you can find between this area and the picture that starts the chapter

- Read the Chapter heading quote, to a natural place or thing that attracts you, read the quote to it and explain how you find the place and quote to be related.

Pages Front 7-8 write how you would convince a person that it was attractive to think using 53 senses

Pages Front 8-9 identify which questions you think you can't answer as well as you would like to, and how you are going to improve your ability to answer them.

Pages Front 10-13 identify three or more things in the material that you found attractive to you.

Pages Front 14-15 identify parts of the instructions that seem new to you.

Pages Front 17-19 Would you change this workshop procedure? How?

Pages Front 21-31 Read this refereed article as a review of Organic Psychology and the Webstring Natural Attractions Model. Read the updates to it about Natural System Dysfunction
and Nine Leg Thinking

Write a reflective, 300 word maximum, paragraph or two that conveys the most important things you learned from the Forward material. Submit your paragraphs to the members of your interact support group.


Part B

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in in Chapter #1, Well Mind, Well Earth as per the Instructions on pages Front 14-15 and submit to your interact group, a statement concerning these things using the following process, techniques and information :

*0btain permission from a natural area to visit it and while there:

- Discover what, if any connection you can find between this area and the ancient picture (900 A.D.) that starts the chapter.

- Read the chapter heading quote, to a natural place or thing that attracts you, read the quote to it and explain how you discovered the place and quote to be related.

*Collect and store statements from the interact postings that show responsible change occurring in participants and yourself through the natural systems thinking process as follows:

*CHAPTER: Read/participate in the pages and activities in each Chapter of Well Mind, Well Earth. Write and submit to the interact group, a statement concerning the attractions that were most important to you in the chapter and their significance.

Do the ACTIVITIES in the Chapter. Write and submit to the interact group, a statement concerning the things that were most important to you in the activities and their significance.

*COLLECT and store statements from the interact group that show responsible change occurring as they participate in the natural systems thinking process as follows:

*CONSENT: Sensitively obtain permission from a natural area to visit it, be it a wilderness or aquarium. Have your interact group consent to identify and use for this course a word or phrase in common that conveys and brings into awareness a webstring's role and qualities with respect to our relationship with NIAL.

*CONTACT: Let natural attractions lead you. Make a safe, non-verbal, sensory (old brain), contact with an attractive, consenting natural area or "thing." Identify and name the natural sensory attraction "webstrings" that you become aware of as you do the activities.

*FEEL: Recognize that this webstring attraction contact feels good. Thank the natural attraction you found AND the natural sensory attraction string(s) involved for the valuable feelings and information they have provided.

*TRUST: Trust the thoughts and feelings arising from the contact.

*VALIDATE: Write, in reasonable language (new brain), your thoughts and feelings from the old brain experience.

*READ aloud what you wrote, note that your translation is intelligent, enjoyable and honest.

*SHARE in writing your nature-connected experiences in this assignment with your interact group. Integrate the information in Appendix A in Reconnecting With Nature.


*Send the following to you interact group:

1. A general description of how you did the activity and what happened.

2. The three most important things you learned from this chapter and activity. Quote parts of the reading you feel are important and explain why.

3. Three G/G statements. (See Chapter 11 and Appendix A, Reconnecting With Nature)

4. How would you feel having your ability to experience this G/G taken away?

5. Does this activity enhance your sense of self-worth? Your trustfulness of NIAL and NIALS?

6. Which authority or person, if any, does this activity identify or re-educate inside or outside you?

7.Write one or two keywords that convey what important thing you learned from this assignment.

8.Write one or more complete, single, short, power sentence "quotes" that convey a significant contribution that this assignment makes to improving our relationships.

9. Post and support what you find attractive in the posted responses you read from the other group members. Be sure to save the interact postings of yourself and others that are attractive to you so that you can refer to them and quote them in the final paper for this course and future studies.

10. Read the posted responses of other members of the interact group.

11. Post and support what you find attractive in the posted responses you read from the other group members.
*COLLECT significant anecdotal material that is posted by the group for use in your final paper and future studies.

*OBSERVE that you may now feel less stressed, that your nature-connected

story builds supportive contacts and closer relationships with people and

the environment.

*ACT to stop your discomfort from abusive or exploitive relationships with

the environment or your inner nature. Insist on receiving and giving permission to

relate before interacting.

*RECOGNIZE that you own this nature reconnecting activity; you may repeatedly use and teach it to benefit yourself, others and the environment.

*ENJOY a minimum of one night's sleep (integrating dream time) before doing the next activity.

*REVIEW your GBT Score Summaries and change the scores on those that may have increased or strengthened due to this activity or other growth experiences.


-Assignments #2

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 2, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #3

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 3, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #4

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 4, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #5

*OPTIONAL Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 5, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.
*After you complete this assignment update your GBT Score and your GBT K and L scores. ..(www.ecopsych.com/millecopsy910.html )...Inform your interact group as to how your Scores did, or did not, improve.

-Assignments #6

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 6, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #7

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 7, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #8

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 8, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #9

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 9, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #10

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 10, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.

*After you complete this assignment update your GBT Score and your GBT K and L scores. ..(www.ecopsych.com/millecopsy910.html )...Inform your interact group as to how your Scores did, or did not, improve.


-Assignments #11

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 11, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #12

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 12, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #13

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 13, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #14

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 14, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #15

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 15, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.

*OPTIONAL After you complete this assignment update your GBT Score and your GBT K and L scores. ..(www.ecopsych.com/millecopsy910.html )...Inform your interact group as to how your Scores did, or did not, improve.


-Assignments #16

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 16, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #17

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 17, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.




-Assignments #18

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 18, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #19

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 19, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #20

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 20 Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.

*OPTIONAL After you complete this assignment update your GBT Score and your GBT K and L scores. ..(www.ecopsych.com/millecopsy910.html )...Inform your interact group as to how your Scores did, or did not, improve.


-Assignments #21

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 21, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #22

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 22, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #23

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 23, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #24

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 24, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #24A




*write an attractive title and 30 word description for an introductory applied ecopsychology workshop that you could present.

*write an attractive 5 word maximum title and 15 word encapsualization of the course that they could submit as a WWW link to the course and/or themselves on the internet.

*submit their titles and descriptions to their interact group.

*appropriately consider and incorporate improvement suggestions from their interact group into their workshop title and description.

*help other interact group members improve their titles and descriptions so they work well

*successfully select, submit, and have their WWW link incorporated in 5 appropriate internet websites of their choice on the WWW checking to first see if a link already exists.


Write a 3 page paper relative to the course subject matter, and your experiences in it, in a manner that integrates, validates and contributes important anecdotal material, concepts and ideas to the profession or general field of nature connected psychology.

*Write a 15 page scholarly paper (for students in accredited graduate programs) relative to participating in this course in a manner that integrates, validates and contributes important concepts and ideas to the profession or general field of nature connected psychology.

Please address the following four paragraphs as part of your paper

1. When you enrolled in the Degree program you stated you had certain needs and goals in mind. How has this course helped with respect to meeting them? How do you intend to apply what you have learned in the future?

2. Please identify what you think and feel are four or more most significant aspects of this course, state why they are significant, and show how, (document with examples, including quotes from the course participants and yourself) the course process contributes to personal, social and environmental wellness.

3. From this course and its prerequsite Orientation Course, describe and document (with examples, including quotes from the course participants and yourself) at least one example of each of the eight Natural System Thinking Process Basics (described below) that you experienced during the course and its value to yourself and society.

4. What challenges does the course subject present, how do you think you can help meet them?



*Help organize the interact group to create a shared set of evaluation and grade criteria that critically measure a student's growth and expertise in this course. Help group members apply these standards to themselves and present their self-evaluation and grade to the interact group. Help your interact members consentually modify their grade and evaluation based on input from the group until an consensus for their grade is reached by all. Involve them in helping others modify their grade and evaluation by consent.

NOTE: The student is evaluated by the quality of their paper and the degree of responsibility and cooperation the student demonstrates in relating to teaching/facilitating their class/interact group. and the grade recommendation of the their support group.

The course grade is also influenced by the improvement in the GBT Score and the instructor's evaluation of the student's effort and expertise to integrate and convey the subject matter.




*the scholarly paper (or its alternative) 50%

*the extent and depth of change in their GTB Score 15%

*the degree of responsibility and cooperation demonstrated 20%

*the instructor's impression of the student's expertise to use and convey

the subject matter 15%







-Assignments #25

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 25, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #26

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 26, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #27

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 27, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #28

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 28, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #29

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 29, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #30

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 30, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #31

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 31, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #32

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 32, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #33

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 33, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.

*OPTIONAL After you complete this assignment update your GBT Score and your GBT K and L scores. ..(www.ecopsych.com/millecopsy910.html )...Inform your interact group as to how your Scores did, or did not, improve.


-Assignments #34

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 34, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #35

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 35, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #36

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 36, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #37

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 37, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #38

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 38, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #39

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 39, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #40

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 40, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #41

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 41, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #42

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 42, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #43

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 43, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.

*OPTIONAL After you complete this assignment update your GBT Score and your GBT K and L scores. ..(www.ecopsych.com/millecopsy910.html )...Inform your interact group as to how your Scores did, or did not, improve.


-Assignments #44

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 44, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #45

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 45, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #46

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 46, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #47

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 47, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #48

*Read/participate in the pages and activities that you and your interact group each write as your own Chapter 48, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described in other Chapters. 1) A quote you like and Chapter title, 2) an appropriate personal statement of truth, 3) a disconnecting experience, 4) destructive effects of the experience, 5) something humerous about the situation, 6) one or more webstring activities that let NIAL help improve the situation, 7) other people's reactions to the activity. Take a week to do this assignment.

-Assignments #49

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 49, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #50

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 50, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.

*After you complete this assignment update your GBT Score and your GBT K and L scores. Inform your interact group as to how your Scores did, or did not, improve.


-Assignments #51

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 51, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #52

*Read/participate in the pages and activities in Chapter 52, Well Mind, Well Earth. Follow the same protcol described

under CHAPTER 1, Part B.


-Assignments #53

**Write a 15 page scholarly paper relative to participating in this course in a manner that integrates, validates and contributes important concepts, ideas and experiences to the profession or general field of nature connected psychology.

The paper must be in two parts:

Part One:

A. During, or at the end of your work in this course select magazines, newsletters, or other publications, online or otherwise that you think should be interested in your work with NSTP or in NSTP in general.

B. Contact the editor of the publication by phone or write a letter of inquiry and introduce him/her to how a short article about some aspect of NSTP would benefit the publication and/or its readers. Show how your article ties in with or extends a previous article, current news event, or the purpose of their publication. Get an OK to submit an article to the publication, its length, how to submit (email, postal mail etc.) and anything special the editor might suggest. (You can often just submit a letter to an editor and then call to find out if it is accepted for publication)

C. Write 250-1000 words of your paper (or more if an editor requests more) as an article you submit to the editor of your choice that you have contacted.

Part Two:

As part of the remainder of your paper, using the APA Manual of Style

Please address the following four paragraphs in a manner that integrates, validates and contributes important concepts and ideas to the profession or general field of nature connected psychology and the public. Show how these concepts support the points you have made in you article in Part One

The concepts should include the following areas:

1. When you enrolled in the Degree program you stated you had certain needs and goals in mind. How has this course helped with respect to meeting them? How are you applying, or intend to apply what you have learned in the future?

2. Please identify what you think and feel are four or more most significant aspects of this course, state why they are significant, and show how, (document with examples, including quotes from the course participants and yourself) the course process contributes to personal, social and environmental wellness.

3. From this course describe and document (with examples, including quotes from the course participants and yourself) at least one example of each of the eight Natural System Thinking Process Basics (described below,) that you experienced during the course and its value to yourself and society.

4. What challenges does the course subject present, how do you think you can help meet them.


The following are a GSC group suggestions for determing a grade and/or organizing and evaluatiing Part Two of the final paper

1. Check for changes in GBT score. 15%

2. Review your introductory statement. Comment,for
example, on how the course has helped you understand your original
ideas about the course or how you have changed or would change that

3. Check for the wrangler experience and how awareness of this force
has effected activities and life. Also check assignments to see how
your ability to skillfully reeducate of the wrangler. Find a few
examples from postings.15%

4. Review your "I've learned from this experience statements" and
comment how "journaling" these has strengthened you. 15%

5. Check to see how your connection with the group elicited new and /
or enhanced behaviors and senses that contributed to our groups sense
of community. Find a few examples from postings.15%

6. Check to see how this course has effected how you operate in your
everyday life. How have certain lessons/assignments effected/changed
the way you have experienced and responded to everyday life
situations? Find a few
examples from postings. 25%


Through the written assignments and the application of sensory activities,

participants will have opportunities to integrate ecopsychology solutions

to issues and problems within their personal, work, or community





The student is evaluated by the extent and depth of change in their GTB
Score and the quality of the scholarly paper. The course grade is also dependent upon the degree of responsibility and cooperation the student
demonstrates in relating to teaching/facilitating their class/interact
 group and the grade recommendation of the student teacher's support
group is also given consideration. The course grade is also influenced by the instructor's evaluation of the student's effort and expertise to integrate and convey the subject matter.



*the scholarly paper 40%

*the process described below 60%

The following are GWSC group suggestions for determining
a grade and/or organizing and evaluating the final paper.

1. Check for changes in you GBT and/or Eco-Sensory IQ score. 15%

2. Review your introductory statement. Comment, for example, on how the
course has helped you understand your original ideas about the course or
how you have changed or would change that statement.15%

3. Check for the wrangler experience and how awareness of this force
has effected activities and life. Also check assignments to see how
your ability to skillfully reeducate of the wrangler. Find a few
examples from postings.15%

4. Review your "I've learned from this experience statements" and
comment how "journaling" these has strengthened you. 15%

5. Check to see how your connection with the group elicited new and /
or enhanced behaviors and senses that contributed to our groups sense
of community. Find a few examples from postings.15%

6. Check to see how this course has effected how you operate in your
everyday life. How have certain lessons/assignments effected/changed
the way you have experienced and responded to everyday life
situations? Find a few examples from postings. 25%



*the extent and depth of change in their GTB Score 10%

*the grade received from the student teacher's support group 20%

*the degree of responsibility and cooperation demonstrated 10%

*the instructor's impression of the student's expertise to

use and convey the subject matter 20%




Through the written assignments and the application of sensory activities, participants will have opportunities to integrate ecopsychology solutions to issues and problems within their personal, work, or community environment.



The student is evaluated by the extent and depth of change in their GTB
Score and the quality of the scholarly paper. The course grade is also
dependent upon the degree of responsibility and cooperation the student
demonstrates in relating to their support group and the grade recommendation of the support group is also given consideration. The
course grade is also influenced by the instructor's evaluation of the
student's effort and expertise to integrate and convey the subject matter.



 *write an attractive title and 30 word description for an introductory applied ecopsychology workshop that you could present.

*write an attractive 5 word maximum title and 15 word encapsualization of the Orientation Course that they could submit as a WWW link to the course and/or themselves on the internet.

*submit their titles and descriptions to their interact group.

*appropriately consider and incorporate improvement suggestions from their interact group into their workshop title and description.

*help other interact group members improve their titles and descriptions so they work well

*successfully select, submit, and have their WWW link incorporated in 5 appropriate internet websites (including an appropriate topic in YAHOO) of their choice on the WWW checking to first see if a link already exists.

*Help organize the interact group to create a shared set of evaluation and grade criteria that critically measure a student's growth and expertise in this course. Help group members apply these standards to themselves and present their self-evaluation and grade to the interact group. Help your interact members consentually modify their grade and evaluation based on input from the group until an consensus for their grade is reached by all. Involve them in helping others modify their grade and evaluation by consent.



While the student in consensus with his or her interact group may work at his/her own pace, no more than 6 months (180 days) from initiation of any course normally will be permitted for successful completion of all requirements. The schedule below conveys the maximum time allotment of three days for each assignment to complete the six month time allotment.


Week #1: Make telephone contact with the instructor for the purpose of

establishing the plan of action and scheduling the 3-day per assignment timeline and mode of communications for the duration of facilitating/mentoring the course. Submit to the instructor by email, a summarization of the agreed upon plan of action for the course. Secure the course materials and recommended bibliography from the instructor and secure the required text materials. Begin to implement and post to your support group the required assignment #1 Parts A and B, and #2 paragraphs regarding the important parts of facilitating/mentoring the chapter to you, by last day of the 3-day period dedicated to assignments.

Week #2: Continue to implement and post to your support group the required assignments #3-#52 at the specified rate of 3 days per assignment.


Week # 4: Submit summary updates of GTB scores and GBT K and L scores to the interact group and a telephone call made to the instructor to review

Week # 8: Submit summary updates of GTB scores and GBT K and L scores to the interact group and a telephone call made to the instructor to review progress.


Week # 12: Submit summary updates of GTB scores and GBT K and L scores to

the interact group and a telephone call made to the instructor to review



Week # 16: Submit summary updates of GTB scores and GBT K and L scores to

the interact group and a telephone call made to the instructor to review



Week #20 Submit summary updates of GTB scores and GBT K and L scores to

the interact group and a telephone call made to the instructor to review



Week #1 -20: For each assignment, from assignment #2 through assignment

45, post the required assignment paragraphs to your support group regarding the important parts of the chapter and their significance. Schedule your time with your class so each assignment is completed within a maximum of 3 hours work accomplished over a maximum of 3 days.

Week #24: Assignment #46 is due.

Week #26: Final oral review with instructor and student grade verified with support group.


*NOTE 1: Thoughts about the grade of "Incomplete."

The grade of Incomplete may be given ONLY AFTER discussion with the

instructor and only if there is an extremely good reason to give such a

grade. An Incomplete will NOT be given because a student is "behind" in

work, needs extra time, or simply because s/he wants to.


*NOTE 2: Thoughts about late assignments.

It is important that you turn in assignments within the parameters of the

agreed timeline. However, I understand that there are often unforeseen

circumstances will may befall any of us, therefore I and the interact group usually will be patient with you in the event of some personal crisis. A personal crisis means something like illness (you or a significant other), death in the family, accident, or injury.


*NOTE 3: Thoughts about writing.

Style, spelling, and grammar count! Remember, everything you formally write is a permanent product with your name on it.


Contact: Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Telephone 360-378-6313
Read the Ecopsychology Journal interview with Dr. Cohen: http://www.ecopsych.com/ecopsychologyjournal.html

Email: nature@interisland.net.
Website: www.ecopsych.com 
Personal page: http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html


Overview Article<http://www.ecopsych.com/hallucinatearticle.html>
Process Synopsis<http://www.ecopsych.com/transformation.html>
Fundamentals <http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen22.html>


 Journal quotes from students who are doing natural attraction activities:

I went out into my garden.  There is one little patch behind and outside of my bedroom.  It is the most south facing, and so Val and Roman wisely made a deeper vegetable bed here against the house.  When Ford and I lived here before we planted some artichokes in this bed.  They are very native to California and grow well.  In the past two years they have become tall and healthy.  When I was weeding last week around the artichokes I noticed that one of the seed heads from last year had started a new plant.  This was very exciting. This regenerativity in the midst of Rory's death, the real estate insanity and loss Ford and I have gone through and being stuck in the city longer than we wanted, felt balanced by the eternal reciprocity of the seed cycle.

I have been feeling sense #22 so strongly lately - Hunting or food obtaining urges.  I feel an overwhelming need to evolve a permaculture yard here.  I am starting with turnips and strawberries, kale in the window boxes.  I am going to plant garlic among the artichokes.  It is the only positive response I can have to sense #51 - the sense of excessive stress and capitulation brought on by existing in the era of American decay right now.

I have been asking the yard to teach me, to show me the soils and shade or sun areas where it is best to plant mushrooms, chinese herbs and simple, growable food. The yard is responding by deepening my sensitivity to senses # 38) horticultural sense,  # 2) sense of heliotropism - sun sense of plants, #7) sense of temperature and temperature change - for optimum growing cycles, #13) the sense of excretion for waste elimination and protection from enemies (composting and camouflaging so that the neighborhood rules that can discourage growing anything useful that is not ornamental can be stretched), and # 21) appetite or hunger for food or air.

In short, my yard is teaching me common sense, my feeling when I went out there today to work was simply, "Get started, work with me. I will feed you."  And honestly, there are a few other times in history when a powerful culture had a majority of its people so far from food sources and so separated from the basic wisdom of being able to feed themselves. But we have taken it to a new level here in America.  So my needs are sensible, trustable.  And I am falling down grateful that the earth is willing to exchange all kinds of information with me about living in balance and growing some food.

I also recorded sense #'s 46 and 47 - clairvoyance/audience/sentience and sense of astral time stretching backwards and forwards.  I felt Roman's presence here in this part of the garden, his reluctance to leave his family so early sometimes feels like a wall of grief I need to step through to access the garden (he died of a heart attack).  This  awakens my sense #37) Colonizing sense, including receptive awareness of one's fellow creatures, sometimes to the degree of being absorbed into a super organism.  Roman was mixed blood White and Indigenous, like myself, and walked in two worlds.  Touching his soul reverberation that is still present in the yard helps me feel connected to a long line of people who have tried to live in connection with NNIAL and live sustainably.  I asked his spirit to teach me, what was this resistance I felt in the garden in this part of the yard?

The earth sent me senses along my skin, eyes, heart - of Roman's life cut short due to the pain of recording and sensing the imbalance of human destruction of the fabric of life.  This is a lesson for me.  I can take the reverberation of 
Roman's resistance to leaving his beloved family and place on earth,  into my body and compost it into self care, self gentleness, self pacing, and receive the teaching of my work in the yard as an act of survival on pragmatic and spiritual levels.

The earth can teach me how to sensibly contribute to my own sustenance process. Those who came before me are made of the same atoms in the environment and in myself that have been here since the beginning of matter, their reverberating wisdom can touch my senses and teach. The earth essence touches me through my senses and being, this is teaching with each breath I take and release.  Engaging with the earth to grow food, exponentially grows my self worth."


"It's easy to feel close to each other when we focus this way, because we're all so connected to each other in so many ways, and the simple loves are so pervasive that we can find many things that she share in common, regardless of our differences.  Especially in situations where differences come to the fore because of efforts to come to agreement in our group decision-making (like politics), it can help so much to bathe in our similarities, and remember how precious we are to each other.

I love this advice applied also to ourselves and people who are very disconnected from nature and who are very attached to habits which are harmful to the earth and her creatures, and people who find no big attraction to spending time in nature.  Even these people maintain important connections with us, vital connections, and share other habits and attractions which form webstrings which hold us together.  When we focus on these shared attractions and build relationships with each other, communication stays open and that other person then has an opportunity to experience something new which might attract them.  If we focus on our differences, we create islands of isolation, which are not natural and result in the problems which we are hoping to resolve."


"It's easy to feel close to each other when we focus this way, because we're all so connected to each other in so many ways, and the simple loves are so pervasive that we can find many things that she share in common, regardless of our differences.  Especially in situations where differences come to the fore because of efforts to come to agreement in our group decision-making (like politics), it can help so much to bathe in our similarities, and remember how precious we are to each other.

I love this advice applied also to ourselves and people who are very disconnected from nature and who are very attached to habits which are harmful to the earth and her creatures, and people who find no big attraction to spending time in nature.  Even these people maintain important connections with us, vital connections, and share other habits and attractions which form webstrings which hold us together.  When we focus on these shared attractions and build relationships with each other, communication stays open and that other person then has an opportunity to experience something new which might attract them.  If we focus on our differences, we create islands of isolation, which are not natural and result in the problems which we are hoping to resolve."


“Each time we resonate with a natural attraction through a different sense, we get to know the attraction and ourselves in a new, more fulfilling and holistic way. This holds true for the natural attractions we sense in people as well as in places.”
This statement is very attractive to me and I experienced the truth of it repeatedly.  I did not use all my senses, mostly let the essence of what I was attracted to, sing to me, although I did discover that small cherry trees in my woods, who sing with a high trilling voice, la la ting aling also like to be seen as delicate and pink, even in the winter.  All of this came to me as quite a surprise, as I stood near them and asked for their help with this assignment.  The song started right away in my head and the pink color showed up next.  That was fun.  I was out starting on my morning walk in the woods.  Actually they cheered me up a bit, as I am still struggling with this cold and very low energy.  So after listening to this rendition of wild cherry I asked the tall oak trees if they would help me.  They began to sing to me, or that is I opened my mouth and out came their song as I had no idea what they would say or sound like. The notes were low, not at all like the young cherry trees.  Words came forth about life and death and trust and peaceful being.  It was so helpful to hear this message and it was clear to me that it was from the trees because I was not coming up with anything peaceful or with a big picture perspective that morning at all!  I felt gently held by this community of trees.  I looked out at them all around me and the color that I saw, despite the stark black and whiteness of bark and snow, was a glowing dark blue with silver edging.  It was breathtakingly beautiful.  From where I am, I see the distant trees on the next ridge and the ridge beyond that one.  As far as my eyes can see in this direction, I see trees. I love the sense of expanse, the very large community of trees, and I love the ones standing nearby.  I know these trees better, but support comes from the expanse as well.
Later I felt like the bending trees, weighted down by the snow were grateful and happy that I was shaking off the snow and setting them free! It is a wonderful experience to do that for them.  The pine trees always can use some help with this, but with the ice and snow that that came last week, even the baby oaks were bent way over and their top branches were stuck in the snow.  I couldn't help earlier because the ice was so thick that if I tried to move them the branches would break.  Now it is warmer and the icy coating has melted but the snow has kept them still caught.  The attraction between us, me and the trees, to being set free and setting free is very strong and reciprocal.
My spirit resonates with dogs running with excitement and curiosity, all senses open through the snow.  I would do that if I could.
Man does not weave the web of life he is merely a strand in it.  Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.  Chief Seattle.  I was thinking about this when I was liberating the tree branches from the snow and watching them leap upward with joyful freedom.  I resonate with the trees sense of joyful dancing when the snowburden is taken from them.  I have felt that way and will again.
“Each time we resonate with a natural attraction through a different sense, we get to know the attraction and ourselves in a new, more fulfilling and holistic way. This holds true for the natural attractions we sense in people as well as in places.”
People who learn to resonate with Earth lose a big load placed on the old brain by the new brain.  What is this big load?
For me it is all the expectations and worries about the future.  Sensing brings me into the moment and the new brain is busy worrying about the future or the past, in a multitude of ways.  I don’t know how to live with the obvious requirements of this world, need for money for food, for shelter for health care etc. and be in the moment in Nature enough to have the benefits of this Connection, even when I have such easy access to a wonderful quiet place in Nature.
When I am in Nature, and paying attention, I experience happiness and  feel a sense of peace around me. I also feel less judgmental towards myself.

For an extensive collection of Journal quotes from students doing natural attraction activities:
Visit http://www.ecopsych.com/survey.html

Achieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being.

Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest:


Alarm! Alarm!
Well-being at risk
Help turn the tide!



"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."

-Stephen Aizenstat


In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 98 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally share with natural systems and their eons of experience. Our subconscious hurt and frustration from the severed disconnection of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.

-Michael J. Cohen


Benefit from learning to enhance the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.





Project NatureConnect

Organic Psychology Search Engine

Grant-funded, social and environmental science accredited courses, career training and holistic organic learning degrees: alternative adult education and sustainable career training jobs online for personal and global health.

Act now: student grants, scholarships loans for college online


"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."

"Truth is what stands the test of experience."

- Albert Einstein


Weight Loss
Holistic Leadership
Organic Psychology
Unitarian Universalist
Mental Health
Climate Change
Earth Day Activities
Retreat Centers
Energy Medicine
Natural Systems
Healing Hypnosis
Child Development
Dog Cat Pet Care
Healing Touch
Healing Retreats
Spiritual Life
Free Ideas

Return to the top of this page
Art Therapy
Massage Therapy
Therapist Training
Wilderness Therapy
Human Services
Social Work
Life Coaching
Integral Therapy
Hospice Caregiving
Home Schooling
Creative Writing
Life Experience
Jesus & Wilderness
Herbal Remedy
Life Science
Violence Prevention
Healing Hands
Outdoor Education
Continuing Education
Anger Management
Energy Healing
Healing Techniques
Spiritual Growth
Eco Activities

Hope & Life Relationships
Stress Relief Management
Natural Health and Wellness
Parenting & Child Development
Spirit & Spiritual Development

Native American Indian Ways

Administrative Services
Continuing Education
Complimentary Medicine
Mind Body Healing
War On Terrorism
Natural Healing
Environmental Education
Body Mind Spirit
Tai Chi
Climate Change
Spiritual Power
Spiritual Health
Christmas Gifts

Recovery from:
Addiction disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Food Disorders
Nature Deficit Disorders
Abuse, Addiction, Loneliness
Midlife Crisis
Global Warming



Special NGO consultant United Nations Economic and Social Council


Accredited nature career holistic education and job courses, organic learning degrees and alternatives; earn extra income money online and increase wellness, spirit and hope.

P.O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360-378-6313 <email>


The Natural Systems Thinking Process

Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Director

send email

All programs start with the Orientation Course contained in the books
The Web of Life Imperative and Reconnecting With Nature
and the
Naturally Attracted
DVD video