HELP-WANTED. Nature-Connected Learning and Healing Online: degrees, jobs and accredited training courses enhance your personal and professional goals. Our grant-funded, organic methods and materials help you safely tap into and benefit from the grace, balance and restorative powers of natural systems, backyard or backcountry.
Use the hands-on application of ecopsychology to strengthen your effectiveness and friendships. Help reduce stress and increase well-being in people and the environment. Add the supportive sunlight and beauty of the natural world to your relationships.
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News: Help Wanted to Learn and Teach Alternative Stress Management Organic Psychology Online for Extra Income
- Earn money online, learn and teach basic love-of-nature holistic educating, counseling and healing with nature, Earth Mother health courses.
- Increase your salary, wellness, spirit and hope through Organic Psychology nature passion training jobs and careers. Help reverse global warming.
- Professionally master our accredited, natural therapy baby stress-relief process; help clean up the pollution in our thinking and relationships
- Benefit from distance learning continuing education, degree programs and scholarship grants.
Special NGO Consultant, United Nations Economic and Social CouncilProject NatureConnect: accredited Mother Earth nature-love career holistic education and job courses; organic learning health degrees and alternatives earn extra income money and increase professional wellness, spirit and hope.
The critically important discovery that we train ourselves to ignore:
Although humans evolved in the self-correcting wilds of nature, on average, in industrial society over 95 percent of our time is spent indoors. In addition, more than 99 percent of our thinking is disconnected from nature. To our loss, we live extremely nature-separated lives.
Our profound disconnection from nature deprives us of the balancing grace, beauty and restorative powers of natural systems. They seldom touch our mind or heart. In their absence, we become psychologically dependent on, and subject to, the ways of industrial society. This includes its materialism, stress, competition and pollutants.
Our loss of contact with nature's healing properties makes us vulnerable to industrial society's pollution of our thoughts and feelings.
Nature consists of life-supportive perfections. Our separation from nature is similar to removing a baby from its mother's breast and replacing it with a nipple on a bottle of beer. The child's physical and emotional attachment to its mother, along with its inborn passion for life, becomes, instead, attached to the limits of the beer and bottle.
How we think and feel powerfully shapes our lives. Our thinking is our destiny and, excessively separated from nature's gifts, it is dysfunctional. It is destructively programmed by the "beer bottle" relationships of our nature-deficient years.
The well-being of Earth and ourselves suffers from sensory deprivation. We have lost conscious sensory contact with the cooperation that is inherent in natural systems within and around us.
Today, online, Organic Psychology, a therapeutic application of ecopsychology, provides an antidote for our nature defecit dysfunctions. Its potent nature-reconnecting activities, backyard or backcountry, enable us to plug into and benefit from nature's supportive ways and recuperative powers. Our thoughtful re-alliance with them helps us feel and act like the spirit of nature's perfection works.
Green Stress Management News: Education, Counseling and Healing with Nature Courses Online Produce Extra Income for Nature and Earth Lovers.
Caring environmental and sustainability individuals are invited to learn use and teach Organic Psychology. It helps us recycle and transform our destructive relationships with self, society and nature.
Financially and socially benefit from practical, accredited career education, degrees and training in Applied Ecopsychology.
Add the sunlight of nature's grace, balance and restorative powers to your personal life, education and career. Receive credit for your life experiences; increase their value.
Important Holistic-Health Earth and Nature Love Opportunities Become Available Online
A Course Participant's Report:
"I'm late in emailing you, my family of online course participants, because my car hit a telephone pole. I'm shaken, my car is a mess, so is the pole.
I was anxious even as I started for work today because some oil drippings appeared on the driveway under the car. They must have been brake fluid since later my brakes went out. I could not stop while driving. To avoid hitting a woman crossing the street, I steered to the side and hit the telephone pole. I'm OK now, the car is not.
Last night, I saw Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth." I've long felt that our living planet is at risk, along with our way of life. From this course, and from parts of my life that have been at risk, I'm sure I know the source of our troubles as well as a cure for them. So do you. This course has given us the opportunity to live the cure and learn from that experience.
Similar to myself today in the car, we in industrial society have individually and collectively lost our brakes. Although symptoms of this loss that cause us anxiety have been present for years, we still don't realize our brakes are not working and the danger this presents, why they don't work nor how to fix them. My car accident compels me to reflect on this as I read your email responses to our nature connecting course activities.
Dan, you go straight to our origins when you write: "In this backyard natural area, my first direct natural sensory attraction is a Gardenia flower. My instant feeling of peace and welcome in this moment gives me permission to learn from it. Framing this flower with both hands and viewing the brilliant white petals and yellow center, connects me more deeply and intuitively with this natural attraction intelligence. Then, I sense a weather change. An approaching storm brings a gust of wind that lifts the Gardenia flower scent to my sense of smell and this sensory attraction directly opens my mind to the natural system wisdom of this moment with this validation.
One of the books I am currently reading is Diane Ackerman's: A Natural History of The Senses. In her chapter on Smell she writes: "Smell was the first of our senses, and it was so successful that in time the small lump of olfactory tissue atop the nerve cord grew into a brain. Our cerebral hemispheres were originally buds from the olfactory stalks. We think because we smelled." An immediate sense of consciousness and reasoning registers in me. It is shaped into these words with my sense of language: 'Simply open your natural self lovingly and share your nature-connected being!. This is who you are; it is complete education. It adds to your mind another 52 senses to thoughtfully learn and grow from."
Dan, I also love how you say "I would be hurt, no, devastated, if somebody deprived me of the inherent natural intelligences and attractions that this activity brought to my awareness. I would be morose if I lost my sense of peace or a Gardenia's beauty, this strong feeling of being welcome; of brilliant colors and form. I would suffer if someone took away my innate ability to think and smell, my sensitivity to weather change and the gentle wind, to all that natural wisdom. Such sensory deprivation would remove my aliveness. It would painfully depress me. It would dissect some of my passion for life from my life."I shared your feelings, Dan. When my car went out of my control I sensed my survival was at stake. Without brakes, I was helpless to do anything other than try to downshift and steer as safely as possible. I was desparate.
Cynthia, I so appreciate what you wrote. It helps me see the source of our natural brakes and our passion to live when you say: "I did the activity while walking the back property of some friends whose dogs I was babysitting. It is a clear, rolling meadow surrounded by trees. I was stopped by one place - a small clearing among the trees. It looked so peaceful there in the sunlight. I asked it for guidance and to understand the wisdom I felt there. The attraction deepened and the peace I saw there enveloped me. I sensed a brightening of the green color and sensed the value of a clear space, a peace within. I became more peaceful and saw it becoming more a clear space within me than a clear space in Nature. I began to feel the warmth of the sun there, the touch of the air that flowed through me, bringing the scent of cleanness, the moisture of rain soaked earth and grass, the sound of the air and I breathing each other. I saw life in balance there, yet my eyes registered only a space. I felt myself in both places at once - one being at peace; one looking at peace. There was no difference in the feeling at either "site". The only difference was the false story in my mind that wrangles me into believing that a peaceful human is not a natural human. From this experience, I learned that I don't have to generate force to be successful in working through our box-like, culturally constructed and perceived maze to find a strong center because nature can always tell me that I AM my own strong center and the creative power of my own peace; I am a being whose shape and form is shaped and formed by the passion and energy of intelligent attractions in natural systems within and around me."
Cynthia, you being the victim of a false story about peace reminds me of the experiment I did last week. I asked my friends at the garden club meeting: "If you count a dog's tail as one of its legs, how many legs does a dog have?" Every one of them answered five and that, of course, is correct in industrial thinking. On the other hand, in the way nature thinks and relates, a normal dog has four legs, as do its millions of mammal relatives. A 5-leg dog is a freak. In nature people who think and act as if a tail is a leg impose a big lie on natural systems. That falsehood corrupts much of our natural way of life. It is a form of garbage that disrupts the way nature sustains its perfection within and around us.
Doing Organic Psychology activities has demonstrated to me that nature abhors garbage. It does not produce any. When garbage appears, nature changes it into cooperative relationships. Ordinarily nature's passion for the purity of life would transform a 5-leg distortion into something that was true to, and supportive of how nature works. But, to our great loss, Nature seldom has the opportunity to help us correct the garbage of our destructive lies. This is because over 95 percent of our time and over 99 percent of our thinking is separated from nature's recuperative ways. This immense disconnection is similar to removing a baby from its mother's breast at birth and replacing the mother and her nurturing ways with a nipple on a bottle of beer. The child's emotional attachment to its mother, along with its natural passion for life, becomes attached instead to the bottle and beer. The child is nourished until adulthood by the shortcomings of beer (no offense Mr. Budweiser), not substances for the proper growth and development of a healthy person. The child, adult and mother (earth) suffer accordingly.
Of course, this metaphor is sheer fantasy, another "as if" 5-leg distortion. However, in reality, our excessive separation from nature detaches our inborn love and passion for survival from supportive nurturing by and through natural systems. That natural relationship is re-bonded instead to our nature-disconnected ways. Devoid of nature, it becomes our addiction to cultural objects: money, fashion, cars, alcohol, pornography, winning, shopping, artificial foods, material possessions, celebrities and the like.
Today, we, and Earth's natural systems are at risk. Survival via the well-being of the whole of life seldom appears high on our list of loves and passions. This puts us at risk because nature supports our survival and we only protect what we love.
To improve the well-being of life and earth, we must restore our love and passion for them. This is easily accomplished by learning how to genuinely reconnect our thinking and feeling to natural systems and their benefits.
Authentic reconnections to nature help us consciously fill our mind and heart with the gifts of life and wellness that nature's grace, balance and restorative powers provide. When we connect ourselves to the cooperative ways of nature they help us decompose, recycle and transform the lies of our 5-leg trespasses into the supportive well-being produced by 9-leg relationships.
On this Internet course we can see and feel how nature-connecting Organic Psychology activities help us do just that. In retrospect, I recognize, now, that had I paid attention to them, my 4-leg anxiety feelings would have motivated me to "transform" my oil spot concerns and faulty brakes. I would have repaired the brakes when I first saw the oil spot. That spot was not attractive, it was signaling the natural passions in me that something was amiss. The anxiety called to me to make the situation better, more attractive. However, rather than heed that calling, I ignored it. I suffered mild anxiety and then a mild concussion from the accident. Next time maybe I'll thoughtfully pay more attention to how I feel and I'll act more sensibly.
Thanks for sending us this experience of yours, Sandy:
"I am attracted to this tree because it stands a little apart; it's a great destination, it has a lovely shape and color; I like the curved nature of its branches and its seemingly soft pine needles.
I, too, am nature. I like myself because I stand a little apart; I am a great destination; I have a lovely shape and color (!); I like my curved branches and seemingly soft needles."I have tears in my eyes. I hardly understand why. I feel as if I can see Sandy now, and I can feel her essence, her beauty as she stands a little apart. She mirrors something within me.
I love that Organic Psychology has brought all this learning together. I have searched all my life for a way to formalize what I inherently have known my entire life, and I then was taught to ignore it. I love that I can celebrate my inherent Being and help others do the same. Thank you all.
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Results of the application of Organic Psychology to a wide range of disciplines and interests:
In the center section of the pages, below, you will find reports from online Course Participants about the application of Organic Psychology to:
"Human behavior is rooted most deeply in nature's intentions and desire. The rhythms of nature underlie all of human interaction: religious traditions, economic systems, cultural and political organization. When these human forms betray the natural psychic pulse, people and societies get sick, nature is exploited and entire species are threatened."
-Stephen Aizenstat
In industrial society our excessively nature-separated lives mold us to betray the natural psychic pulse. We learn to block from our thinking over 95 percent of the wise sensory callings and fulfillments we normally receive from natural systems and their eons. The raw hurt and frustration from our severance of these senses underlies our greatest troubles.-Michael J. Cohen
Benefit from learning to repair the natural psychic pulse within and around us. Add the sensory ecoscience of Organic Psychology to your life and livelihood.
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"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people."
- Albert Einstein.