Accredited Nature-Connecting Holistic Degree Courses On Line: Natural Career Education Personal and Professional Whole Life System Alternative Training Grants, Employment, Jobs and USA Global Citizenship.Continued from Page ThreeFREE
raising self-esteem by communicating with nature's ways, in and around us and others.
Empower yourself to think and relate with nature's grace, balance and
Promote Positive Change
SYNOPSIS: This page continues to describe a button that strengthens self-esteem and a funded natural sensory science. The latter is an organic psychology tool that helps us improve health wellness and counseling by enabling our thinking and feeling to safely tap into the nature's grace, balance and restorative powers. Participants improve their self-esteem and strengthen their hope and inborn love of nature as part of the great turning. They master alternative therapist coaching, stress release management and holistic spiritual psychology to reduce excessiveness via natural attraction ecology activities. PROGRAM
Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line Project NatureConnect offers nature-centered distant learning that enables you to add the benefits of nature-connecting methods and credentials to your degree program and/or your skills, interests and hobbies. We honor your prior training and life experience by providing grants and equivalent education credit for it. You may take accredited or professional CEU coursework and/or obtain a Nature-Connected Degree or Certificate in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
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will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We
are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we
- Barack Obama OBTAIN A FREE BUTTON that helps your esteem gain the joy of living in balance. Increase your ability to think and relate using the self-correcting powers of natural systems in and around you. Reported Experiences (continued): I took my copy of the book, with its picture of the Mimbres Pottery design on the back, into a park that is a short distance from my home. I settled into a park bench at the center of the heavily wooded park, and asked permission from this area to be there and to help me with knowing webstrings of old. Immediately I found myself attracted to the canopy of trees above me and the subtle way its branches swayed in the slight breeze. I was also attracted to the vibrant red of the small buds beginning to form on tips of those branches. In my imagination I replaced the bird from the design with the elements I was attracted to in the canopy. Although I was attracted to many aspects of nature this day, such as the coolness of the air, the white puffiness of the clouds I saw between the branches, and the activity of birds near the top of the trees, each time I closed my eyes and I saw a picture of a tree with my face on the bark of the trunk, much like that of the "Green Man". This was a most remarkable experiment because I feel as if I am now more a part of nature than I was just a few weeks ago. I am standing in the middle of the woods among oak trees and maples and some cedar trees, a lot of dead-fall and wild plants of all kinds...mushrooms are popping up everywhere early this year. The smell is very rich of earth, humus ... of early Fall. The crickets have started singing early too - I can feel here a whole web of wisdom. The trees swaying in the wind releasing the acorns to the ground, the ground releasing the acorns to the Earth, the roots of the trees deep in the ground nurtured by the fungi that are erupting on the surface as mushrooms, the insects eating the mushrooms and traveling around releasing the spores to nurture more roots, the dead-fall composting into the ground nurturing it with vital elements the squirrels eating some of the fallen acorns processing them and dropping the denuded seeds into the ground, the acorns producing many small seedlings and saplings, the deer eating the saplings and sprouts so that the few may live, the deer also dropping denuded seeds of persimmon and other trees spreading them throughout the woods..the ants devouring the carcasses of other insects and helping to breakdown the trees along with other insects, the possums and armadillos foraging in these decomposing bodies softened so they can easily root out the insects there..everything serves a role that keeps the whole system in balance allowing the lives there to flourish and to expand into new and more diverse forms. I hear neighbors complaining about armadillos digging under their homes. They kill them because they think they are destroying he foundations. My neighbor where I use to live killed the armadillo that had lived with me under my home for five years when it wandered onto his property. I showed him the armadillo with the bullet hole in it. I showed him how it had come back to its nest under my home to die, and explained how it had kept my home clear of termites and other foundation damaging insects, how clear it was under my home and even packed down and dry discouraging other insects, and how the armadillo's skat discouraged other animals like skunks from going under there. I told him how much I enjoyed this little armadillo‚s company foraging every night and how much I would miss him. He apologized and said he would think more before killing. I have a new armadillo friend here now that cleans around my home every night. I have had a deep understanding that has reached my heart. It was in my head, now it has reached my heart. This activity has catalyzed this. All of Nature needs the whole of Nature's intelligence to function as a part of nature in balance, as a contributing loving aspect.it also needs its own species to provide catalyzation of understandings and functions, of genetic knowing; it needs that nurturance.just as the bear teaches the cub to fish, the lion teaches the cub to hunt and to watch for dangers, in some fashion every species of every living entity teaches its offspring in some way, some ways perhaps hard to comprehend but all do..humans are missing that my time in Nature provides a profound reconnection to Nature‚s intelligence but it cannot replace this lost factor. My parents taught me of knowing connected to an artificial reality. Nature cannot replace this missing piece of human to human teaching/nurturance of what it is to be "human in Nature". I feel like a lost child as I stand here in these woods surrounded by the beauty and love of Nature but nevertheless like the cub whose parents have been shot. I was not given the chance to be a part of this and to find my beauties here, to find my truth and my role. That is the one thing this is missing, a human to emulate, a human in real person, to spend time here in Nature with, to absorb the energy of, to observe functioning. I see a real service in the idea of nature-connection retreats. Longer than "wilderness experiences"..a whole village functioning in harmony with Nature, lived in and "operated" by Nature connected folks, where students could come and live for a month or more to experience the energy and direct functioning of their own species with the rest of Nature in a connected way. The online groups and an online mentor are important and fulfill what can be fulfilled, but as the saying goes, "nothing replaces the real thing" a living, breathing real thing, in person. What I have learned here is self evident. ^^^ This process of reconnecting with Nature that we all began in March has helped me to realize that this course is not just about another way of looking at the world, but a timely and life-saving reminder that the only way to truly live is to live in true and full connection to Nature (which is also our nature). Prior to taking this course, I was living in an artificial and often times suffocating "reality"; a "reality" disconnected from reality. And that disconnection caused me great suffering although I did not know its roots at the time. And more and more I see that people in industrialized nations are suffering but they don't see its true roots. They are too busy trying to catch up with that artificial dream of success that someone else put before them. Living in disconnections means living in fear. When I am consciously connected to the natural life around me, I don't feel any fear. I feel a sense of awe and loving curiosity. I want that awe and loving curiosity to be my permanent reality. And I wish I could get everyone else to agree to live that way, too. Then we could all just breathe a collective breath of relief, a global "aahhh"....................... remembering who we are and that all is well. easy does it...slowly does it....kindly does it...intently does it...consciously does it....inspiration does it... I am blessed to have a most beautiful green tree as my companion outside of my bedroom window. Every morning when I wake up, the tree and the morning sunlight gift me with the most glorious greeting. I wish I could just take off the screen from my window and have that un-mediated experience of the tree and sunlight. The only blessing that the screen has offered is that I am able to watch this sweet hummingbird that come to sit on one of its branches and groom itself without disturbing it. This little hummingbird has come at least once a week, between 10 and 11 am in the morning, for the past month. I am behind the screen, less than 5 feet away, so happy to be near one of my favorite birds. I love being able to see its big beautiful eyes, so large in proportion to its face size. This little bird's frequent visits has been a reminder of something I had forgotten....that true joy must rest on peace...that in order for one to experience joy, we must first be at peace. It has reminded me of this because the tree outside my window has always represented peace to me. No matter what emotional state I am in, I can sit by my window and feel the peaceful presence/nature of the tree. The tree is in a perpetual state of peace (or so it feels to me). And in Native American symbolism, the hummingbird represents joy and freedom. So when I sit at my window with the hummingbird and the tree, I can't help but notice that joy must rest on peace..that joy is supported, and has as its foundation, peace. On my journey to joy, I must first find peace. And so it is with all people. I feel like people in the United States are looking for joy/happiness, but all they get is artificial entertainment & excitement that leaves them no happier than before. And they don't know that in order to be truly happy...you must first be truly peaceful. ^^^ Hooray! This has been the best activity yet. I can't begin to tell you how these natural truths are resonating in my being and affecting change in my emotional, physical and spiritual life. Thank you for staying connected with me through this journey. I went to my favorite hill where I often go to meditate. It was early morning and the sun was just beginning to makes its appearance atop the mountains to the east. As I headed up the path, a covey of quail came scurrying out of the brush, making their usual sounds that I love so much, crossing in front of me, they seemed to come unusually close. I slowed down a bit . When I reached the top, I took of my shoes and stood barefoot on the dirt. Facing the sun, I felt the warmth of the light bringing softness to my face, I felt my muscles relax and I closed my eyes because it felt good, and it was at that time that I became acutely aware of the singing all around me. The sounds traveling from the birds seemed to be coming from all directions, some very close and some seemed as if they were high in the sky above me. At first I tried to imagine what kind of bird must be making each sound. Not knowing the names of the birds with the exception of the quail, and a sparrow I felt the wonder of a wordless communion with these magnificent creatures. I felt a message, a connection that could only be felt in my being, in my silent being. When I opened my eyes and looked up where I imagined a bird must be, there was nothing but blue sky above my head…yet the sound seemed to be coming from directly over me. It was then that I realized that I was not an observer, but a participant in this wondrous concert, that the songs were being sung for me, and I was receiving a message from this experience. Memories returned to me, ones of great joy and awe of the melody of life that surrounds me. ^^^ My first attraction was the lake. A body of water seems to have a powerful magnetic ability to attract all life to it. As I sat there on the lake’s edge, I asked permission to join in the areas energy. As I connected I was captured by the shining surface as the sunlight bounced off the waves. I then noticed a turtle’s head as it surfaced to breath and then a school of small minnows. Along the edge of the lake, in and beneath the water I noticed animals and birds attracted to this powerful place all feeding and being fed because of the lakes presence/. As my attraction shifted to the plants sitting in the water, I noticed the animals and fish attracted to the plants for both shelter and for food. A Bird had made a nest in the plant’s thick brush while small fish used the plant as protection against larger animals. As I continued to observe, I saw bits of seaweed being captured by the plants lower branches. both cleaning the lake from debris and providing food for the fish and plant. I again shifted my focus to the large pine tree standing near the edge of the lake. In it I noticed a squirrel and several birds that had found both shelter and food in the trees branches, On the ground below were numerous plants that could not have survived the hot Florida sun without the protective shade of the trees branches. It was then that I realized my attraction to this place was no different than the plants and animals I was observing. The harmony of this place brought me a sense of peace and an understanding that transcended my logical brain. I am now realizing the powerful attraction I have always felt toward water. It has always brought me a sense of peace and well being as well as respect for its power to create and sustain life as well as the ability to take life. This lesson taught me that we are always connected, That the webstrings are all interconnected and to connect to the Webstrings we simply need to ask and be aware. Without this I would feel anxious and less at peace When we connect to nature we connect to the source of all life. Once connected there is no doubt as to my worth. I was once again reminded that the option to be connected or disconnected is my choice. The opportunity always exists. Suze, Your description of the forest was pure poetry, I especially loved your statement, ” I realize that where life meets there is great beauty and I experience great joy.” And your statement, “The intelligence of this attraction is that I am rewarded when life works together, when there is an ‘us’, when water, sun, stone and life meet it is good and true and profoundly beautiful. “ It reminded me that there is only us, that the separation we create is the source of our discontent. Sharon, I loved your description of the moss on the rock, I thought about how the boulder gets warmed by the sun from the east, and it seemed as if Mother Nature had made a blanket for the side of the rock that receives little sun.” The trail maker indicating that the lichen and moss would eventually disintegrate the rock helped me remember, that change is part of life and that in time all things change. Julie’s statement, “Everything has a purpose, everything is an attraction and lives off of other attractions” helped me remember to appreciate those things we come to either ignore or find particularly annoying. I also deeply connected to your description of the lake. It was similar to my experiences this past week. Just wanted all of you to know how much I enjoyed your experiences this past week, it was almost like I was with you. ^^^ I asked permission to hold my friend’s brilliant colored blue and red parrot that he always has on his shoulder. He had agreed, so I put my hand out to see if the parrot would also grant me permission. The parrot twitched its beautiful head and took a few steps in my direction. Giving consent, it lifted its foot and climbed on top of my hand. I was attracted to her beautiful feathers, the lightness of her body, and the feel of her soft grip on my hand. For the activity I took hold of her tail feathers and pulled on them a little, she pulled back and attempted to turn her body away from my hand in order to protect her connection to her feathers. Later, I saw a slug on the ground. I was attracted to its auburn color in contrast the green grass. I took hold of its tail end and pulled on it a little, trying not to remove it from its position. The slug reacted by shortening its body. I didn’t want to scare it so I let go, but it stayed stuck to my fingers because of its slime. The slug let go of its connection with the grass to become connected with me. From there I looked to a brightly colored green leaf on a nearby sapling. I took hold of the leaf and pull on it a little, being careful not to remove it. The sapling bent with flexibility toward the direction of my hand. Finally, a saw a bunch of grass that attracted me by its shape, it looked like a burst of green light spreading in all directions. I took hold of a blade of grass, pulled on it a little, and let it go. The grass left seeds in my hand. From the parrot I learned nature will protect its natural connections to ensure that it stays connected. From the slug I learned that nature may sometimes let go of a connection if it feels threatened for its own survival. From the leaf I learned that nature will be flexible to maintain its connection. From the bunch of grass I learned that nature will release or share part of itself, as in the seeds, to ensure further connections. Nature is made up of connections through natural attractions and will respond or react in order to maintain connections already in place while constantly seeking further connections. Natural attractions are a form of love that nature lives to maintain. I am a person who enjoys natural attractions and I am always seeking to be connected. My self-worth increased from this activity. ^^^ I truly enjoyed the outdoor activity as it provided the means for me to connect in a peaceful, joyful, stimulating and thoughtful way with the environment here. Though the air was cool the sun was shining so I experienced the chill of air passing into my nose while feeling the warmth of the sun on my cheeks. The damp earth soft for sitting, the earthy, pleasing, surprisingly aromatic and green smells of the abundant surrounding plants, the warmth of the sun, the grounding energy of the oaks and madrones and the view to the hills across a narrow valley. I felt welcome, nurtured, at peace and one with my surroundings. I also felt grateful ... this was such a welcome experience. It was extremely enjoyable and even instructive to pay attention to everything I was experiencing. Paying more attention increased the enjoyment, increased my appreciation and happiness, partly by moving into the background the thoughts and concerns that occupied my day before I got there but mostly from connecting to the softness and widespread beauty. It was a perfectly balanced experience. It was also extremely enjoyable to replace the bird in the drawing with different elements of my environment and this felt very true and beautiful as I sensed into each one: large oak, soft green plants, blue sky, sun, gentle breeze, damp earth. It was very grounding and affirming to do this exercise...I felt so happy to bring the awareness of all these things into my sensory fields. It was like an exchange of love and I felt completely transformed compared to my state of mind and being before I started it. This is such a "useful" exercise and I can definitely see the value of sharing this with others - a gift to them! Act
Organic Psychology by doing it. http://www.ecopsych.comAchieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being. Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest: |
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