HYPOTHESIS: “Nature is the unseen intelligence that loved us into being
and is disposing of us (composting/recycling us) by the same token.”
- Elbert
The fundamental science of Project NatureConnect’s
Climate Therapy:
Trust Revolutionary Wisdom Expedition process (RWE) enacts the genius
of Thales of Miletus (620-546 B.C.) the founder/father of science as we
know it. As the inventor of Geometry, his experiments and stories
successfully omitted the mystical, myth and supernatural from accounts
of nature. He replaced them with evidence-based methodology and logic
including his “Measure and calculate,” “Know thyself” and
“Nothing overmuch.” They include the experience of today’s reality:
“Feelings are facts that exist” and “Natural attraction is the essence
of love; it can be felt-sensed through our 54 natural senses.”
With the 1922 Friedman/Hubble discovery that the galaxies of our
Universe are moving away from each other, the Universe was accurately
demonstrated to be like an expanding Big Bang balloon or bubble that loved to
inflate itself. A balloon is human-made, a bubble can be made by nature alone. This article helps you unite them and us.
To be scientifically consistent, in the beginning, before the birth of
the “balloon,” that we call our Universe, Nature was the
desire/attraction/love to materialize itself as the life of our
balloon/universe. This attraction was, and remains, conscious of what
it was attracted to, that’s how its life knew, and knows, what to bond or attach
to, or become its next moment of its life. This same awareness is true of a crystal growing today along with
the rest of natural life.
In the beginning, our words had not yet come into being and wouldn’t
until 13.7 billion years later. Wordlessly, the attraction
“to be material” and/or “to matter” grew stronger. Then, 13.8 billion
years ago, the attraction attracted itself into existence by birthing itself as our
material “Big Bang” balloon whose life was attracted, moment-by-moment,
to create its own time and space to live in for survival.
Moment-by-moment, the life of the balloon was attracted to inflate
itself to become the Universe’s life today that continues grow its own
attractive time and space to live in. It was and is attracted to simultaneously be the total
balloon, both its stretchable, unifying, rubber skin and the attraction
energies that fill it.
Wordlessly, the skin (the Einstein/Higgs unified field) was attracted to
exist by holding itself together while stretching, moment by moment, to
unite the energy that was attracted to increasingly fill the balloon
and make it more attractive. Every part of the balloon was/is attracted
to grow and move away from everything else to make the balloon itself a
greater attraction while the rubber skin is attracted to unite them. This is the life of the Universe/Nature/Earth's dance (
UNE) of
The balloon’s wordless life survived and grew more attractive through
its attraction to many diverse ways of continually becoming bigger and
stronger as the universe today. It is, every moment, the same
attraction continuum to space/time grow as was the spectacular
time/space attraction of its Big Bang origin. It accomplished this,
moment-by-moment, by simultaneously being attracted to be held together
and unified by its “rubber” skin. That homeostatic dance remains the center
attraction of diverse life.
growing in size and attractiveness was, and still is, the
life-dance of the balloon’s natural-balancing, all attraction, natural
ways. By definition, and in reality, its diverse, all-attraction, stronger or weaker attraction
dance contains no repulsion. Every part of it is attracted to grow
except for our ingrained stories or beliefs that deny or stop it.
Moment by moment, the wordless balloon became more attractive by being
an attractive phenomenon that propagated, organized and corrected
itself so that it’s life could naturally survive in its own beautiful,
pure and balanced, expanding time and space.
Today in natural areas, backyard, back country or a potted plant, the
attractive life of the balloon’s wordless time and space continuum
continues to produce its self-organizing and self-correcting
optimums of life, diversity, cooperation, sanity and purity
without producing repulsive garbage, toxic waste or abusiveness,
including war.
The balloon is the singular heartfelt life of our Universe, Nature and
Earth (UNE) that moment-by-moment attractively exists and grows in
natural areas, with or without humanity and our words, be they true or
false. Irrefutably, this is affirmed by the self-evident facts obtained
by a person being attracted to an attractive natural area and creating moments
there that let the balloon "speak" its truth to us via our 54-natural
sense attractions. Then we can speak and act its truth through our words, as does this
article whose source is 45 years of many folks perfecting this process
by practicing it. Anybody can do the same immediately via my book
Climate Therapy: Trust Revolutionary Wisdom.
When we are attracted to gently place pressure on some point on the
balloon, its rubber skin accommodates us by bending and
increasing/sharing this pressure throughout it, including other parts
of its skin that expand. This reaches a moment when our attraction to
push is equal to its attraction to maintain that pressure, a
homeostatic balance. Our attraction to push it would then have to push
harder, “excessively” from this in-balance moment. That would, in turn,
excessively increase the stress on the rest of the balloon. As we
become more excessive, the balloon becomes more stressed and we sense and feel this because we are it.
If we are attracted to the beautiful balloon and don't want to break
it, we are attracted to reduce our attraction to push it. If we are
somehow desensitized to the balloon’s attractiveness, we may continue
to be excessive, push it more and overstress the balloon so it begins
to deteriorate. (see image
https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/planet-earth-balloon-5103745.jpg Then return here via backarrow).
The balloon/bubble is the life of UNE Planet Earth. It is attracted to optimum
survival at balanced levels that prevent overload. For fulfillment or
profit, our word-stories
allow us to abuse UNE, around and as us, and painfully desensitize us. As we reduce that pain via "stronger
push satisfactions” it makes us runaway excessive and, for the
balanced love-to-survive of its web-of-life, the climate of Earth’s
life is stressed into responding so it changes.
See yourself and the bubble/balloon UNE process as a video
Take a guided walk through the bubble
Self-Evident Validations:
Attraction is the essence of love and it is conscious of what it is attracted to.
In a pond all things are wet, even bubbles, so there is no
such thing as dry there. Similarly, all things in an attraction-based
balloon or UNE are attractive and don't produce garbage.
"repulsion" is not felt-sensed as an attraction to something more
attractive, it is toxic garbage. |
Wordless: no observation has yet been reported of any part of Planet
Earth’s life using, reading or writing words or stories to build
relationships or awareness, except humanity.
each of our 54-senses is an experiential fact of life that can be
also be found in a natural area and is often buried alive in us under
nature-disconnecting stories. The 54 remain jailed there, bound and
gagged until somebody or thing hooks them or "pushes our buttons" and
releases them.
Who you are: Without our imbedded UNE-disconnecting stories, we are
each UNEH (Humanity). If you are attracted to inflate a balloon that is
printed to look like planet Earth, you are mimicking your wise,
dependable natural essence if you know how and when, and are attracted
to stop before it busts.
Nature is the unseen intelligence that loved us into being and is
disposing of us (compostiing and re-cycling us) by the same token
-Elbert Hubbard
Be 54-sense intelligent. Only acknowledge and relate to natural
attractions in people, places and things by practicing the eco-arts science of
Climate Therapy.
Coronavirus and Climate Crisis Observation
the UNEH bubble, only humanity gets coronavirus, the rest of the storyless
web-of-life is immune to it . COVID-19 acts like a silent
antibody of Organism Earth that is trying to protect the life of our
planet from human excessiveness. This is also true of climate change.
It gives Earth a temperature that helps it survive our
snowballing exploitation of it.
Our "normal" central stories teach us to spend/experience over 99% of our time out
of tune with how the bubble of nature functions, around, in, and as us.
As part of the UNEH's life, when we are sick, spending time in an
natural area rather than a shopping mall naturaly increases our resilience
and helps us recover. This is true for most problems including climate
change, coronavirus and inequality.
Climate Therapy
works because its RWE process genuinely reconnects us to how authentic
nature's balanced and beautiful life works because it is the fountainhead
of authority in its wisdom. When we don't invoke it our problems continue
to increase.
To reasonably deal with our excessiveness we must add
Climate Therapy to what we think or do.