
Institute of Global Education
Department of Integrated Ecology
Michael J. Cohen, Director


IGE Graduate Student Cooperative (GSC) Quarterly Progress Form


Quarterly Progress Report

Student's Name and email:

Faculty Member' s Name: Mike Cohen Email: nature@pacificrim.net

1. Please indicate your status at this time. (check one)

*working to develop an enrollment contract
*doing course work
*writing thesis/dissertation
*thesis/dissertation in final review

2. In your opinion, what is your rate of progress?

*slow and sporadic
*slow, but sure
*on track at a reasonable pace

3. Please indicate your projected date of the completion of this program.

4. From what you have seen so far, what is the academic quality of the work you are doing based on feedback you receive from others?

*above average

5. Please list any problems you are having . Is there any way the IGECooperative can help you?


Please indicate the date of the last contact with your guide group.

Please indicate the date of the last contact with Dr. Cohen


7. Please list the names of any other students you are working with at this time.


8. Additional progress comment, if any:




Signature of Student_____________________________________


Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to United Nations Economic and Social Council.
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250
(360) 378-6313
