

Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Department of Integrated Ecology
Michael J.Cohen, Ed.D. Director




The IGE Student Cooperative recognizes that after inquiring about the degree program, some degree candidates can simply explain, in 300 words or less, the importance and value of the program to themselves, society and the environment. We note that these candidates often produce exceptional participation in, and support for the Cooperative. Their essay usually imparts their passion, compatibility and dedication to the focus of the program. This signals the Cooperative that its financial outlay for these candidate's training and research will be minimal. In addition we find that these candidate's helpfulness usually reduces the energy and costs of education we provide for other degree program participants. To reflect and share the financial contribution this makes, commencing in 2001 a $1500 stipend towards our doctoral program tuition is awarded to candidates who complete the application essay and Orientation Course.

The Essay:

Grant applicants are invited to accompany the application below with an essay that conveys, in 300 words or less, the importance and value of the degree progam to themselves, society and the environment. Applicants are not required to read any of the following articles. However, they may use them and other links from the website homepage if they feel they would be helpful for their essay. They are also invited to call the IGE office to obtain additional information

http://www.ecopsych.com/ 53enhance.html


Grant Application

Please highlight, cut and paste this application into an email to our office.




Email address

Postal Address


Applying for the

( ) Post Master's Doctoral degree program

( ) Doctoral degree with Master's waived via equivilancy determinations.

I ( )have, ( ) have not yet taken the Orientation Course and am aware that completing it is a requirement of receiving this Degree Program Compatibility Grant.

My essay is being sent as an email, not as an attachment, to nature@pacificrim.net.

I will request a final decision about this grant application only after I have fulfilled its essay and Orientation Course requirements.

I am aware that it is helpful, but not necessary for me to have applied to be a participant in the Graduate Student Cooperative and/or degree program and that there is no charge for applying to the cooperative.

( ) If I fail to get this grant through the essay, I would like to obtain it by doing a project of my design that will equally benefit the Cooperative and its goals as well as optionally fulfill some of my course requirements. (Additional opportunities to do similar projects are available through the work/study program.)



Please highlight, cut and paste this application into an email to our office.




Institute of Global Education
Special NGO consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
Project NatureConnnect
P. O. Box 1605,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250




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