50th Year Anniversary:
Nature's Path to Earth and Us in Peaceful Balance
SYNOPSIS: The nature-connecting release, below, describes a significant breakthrough. It is our 50th year anniversary of therapeutically composting and recycling mind pollution through a sensory science and online degree program that is funded. The ecopsychology of its educating, counseling and healing with nature process is nature's path to Earth and humanity in peaceful balance. Learn how to be successful by using this alternative and organic conservation and psychology tool to improve health wellness and counseling. It helps an individual's thinking and feeling to safely tap into the truths of nature's psyche. Participants master alternative therapist, coaching and holistic spiritual therapy as part of their professional or personal life. Backyard or back country, Project NatureConnect's sensory education courses help you recycle and compost the mental garbage that is transformed through the grace, balance and self-correcting powers of natural systems and Earth. PROGRAM
Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature Supportive Degrees, Career Training Courses and Jobs On Line Project NatureConnect offers you a key to success nature-centered distant learning process and stratagies. It enables you to daily add the benefits of nature-connecting methods to your degree program and/or your skills, interests and hobbies. Our program honors your critical thinking, prior education and life experience in most areas of interest by providing grants and equivalent life education credit . You may find and take accredited or professional CEU coursework for a certificate or degree in most disciplines or personal interests. A partial subject list is located at the bottom of this page.
For Immediate Release: Contact: M.J. Cohen 360-378-6313 A Significant Breakthrough: 50th Year Anniversary. Nature's Path to Earth and Us in Peaceful Well Being. July 1, 2009-2010: This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) a UNESCO approved, online, holistic art and science developed by Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D. at the Institute of Global Education, a United Nations consultant organization. ECHN is a significant restorative breakthrough. It helps us increase well-being by regenerating 53 natural senses that we often ignore. Their wellness enables us to think with nature's balance and beauty as it nurtures us. To our loss, we usually learn to hurt and subdue these natural senses. Because ECHN applies the empirical science of Natural Attraction Ecology, it provides us with a lasting remedy for personal, social and environmental disorders. It is learned through accredited courses, degree programs and jobs from Project NatureConnect in conjunction with cooperating universities. By giving us the sensory means to create moments that let Earth teach, ECHN genuinely connects us with Earth's renewing energies, in and around us. This strengthens and enriches our natural senses and contemporary psyche. It helps us think with the grace of nature's self-correcting ways. ECHN is a quantum leap to supporting and strengthening nature's healing abilities in and around us. It empowers our natural senses to recycle the pollutants in our mind that bond us to our destructive relationships and prevent positive change. Engaging in ECHN is like forever taking a powerful, spiritually renewing walk in the park. Through it, we transform our disorders into the rewards of clear thinking, wellness and peaceful balance. ECHN may be added to any discipline or profession. "All living things,
including our planet, enjoy life and health when the nature's
grace and spirit flows
through them. That flow nurtures, balances, purifies
and restores aliveness.
We cause and suffer our problems because we have become disconnected. We rarely let nature flow into, no less embrace, how we think and feel. Educating, counseling and healing with nature helps us remedy this problem." -
Michael J. Cohen
Special anniversary grants are available to new faculty or training applicants in the ECHN of Natural Attraction Ecology. Further information: contact Dr. Cohen, Telephone 360-378-6313 or email: nature@interisland.net. Website: www.ecopsych.com Personal page: http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html Overview Article Outcomes Research Articles Book Film NAE # # # NOTE: The reports, below, are parts of a field studies from anonymous participants in our sensory green-your-profession program. Other examples and findings are available through links on our survey page. A Wonderful Lesson "Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition." - Alexander Smith I adore these wonderful recognitions that are shared during my Well Mind, Well Earth exploration. Our healing of self worth, value and so many other feelings of separation are integrated into the whole when we see ourselves in each other and the illusion of separation is dissolved. That has been my profound experience as I have been guided and blessed with the experience of integration with Source; Earth and all my relations. The picture shows me the beauty in the sameness and the difference in the subtleties of our collective form and expressions. What a reflection! I have had multiple opportunities to engage with my four year old grandson by bringing nature in as a healing possibility during my childcare responsibilities. Four of the five children have been raised with TV as a dominate outlet for their attention. For me to come into this environment has been a challenge and a blessing. How this relates to this chapter is that I have several ways to view what I am seeing and feeling during Jordan's meltdowns and the solutions available. Having been raised in the late 40's & 50's I'm sure you know what my early experiences, in terms of behavior modification, might have been. However, these children are different. Having in the beginning tried the old ways with Jordan, only kinder, still did not bring about the desired results. I then decided to let Nature work its magic. Now when Jordan melts down, I pick him up kindly and take him outdoors where he continues to scream but only for a few more seconds. Then he is swept away by his attractions to the ants, geckos, spiders, sand, puddles and more and he asks me to come a see. The nature of Us is restored and his balance is feed and nurtured. He is calm, playful, excited about his surroundings and inquisitive about all the life forms he encounters. What a gift to move into this world with him and to witness first hand what our children need, not more infor. from a book. Oh what a delight it would have been if I had been on the receiving end of this way of modifying behavior as a child. Thank goodness my life was and continues to revolve around my world outside my door. Variations On Intelligence: The comparison of, "Knows land as a commodity to sell" & "Knows land as a community to celebrate" has always been a challenge for me. I have never felt that I or anyone had the right to claim ownership of a piece or the whole of Earth. It's mind boggling to try to understand the mind that feels that the land they live on is their own. Art and I purchased some acreage in Idaho several years ago and he was so pleased that he owned the land. I quickly stated very clearly that we do not own the land, but that we have agreed to be good stewards of this land until we are no longer there. I also have a problem and question the boundaries between states, countries and separation between classes and so on...so now I'm off the soap box. I sense that the separation of mind and natural intelligence was an intentional shift. Now Earth is beginning to feel and enjoy the resurgence of a wholeness expression and Us are being validated as to the perfection of this re-awakening. By recognizing the inherent matching of our interdependent co-existence, we then resonate with our role as co-creator of this existence. NIAL appreciates and trusts the energy and formation of sustainable co-existence and celebrates the balance that is produced. I discovered that Earth heals by attractions and painful energy is released and I know this as truth because I am privileged to witness & experience this often. I witness expressions of imbalance as a natural moment to let nature heal. I found that I'm a person who is delighted with the knowing and application of letting Nature heal imbalances. I'm grateful to share this possibility with others as I did today and I'm a grandma who is grateful to bring nature as healer into my grand children's lives. This activity gifted me the ability to re-educate the old ways of controlling behaviors to allowing nature to re-establish a balance and space by which our perceptions & energies shift. Thank God/Nature! Alice wrote: " I smile to Nature and Nature smiles to me"! This is what happens with my grandson. Once he stops yelling he smiles and the natural attractions are connected. The One Binding Truth The most important thing that I have learned from the material in the course is that my relationship to the natural world is a very special one and that I had better not take it for granted. Having grown up in the rainforest and being taught that everything is alive and that everything is connected could not be solidified within me until I had experienced the other kind of life, the so-called civilized world. Project Nature Connect has afforded me the abliity to weld both of these worlds and to better communicate my life purpose. I understood and knew that what 'me nana besea Beth' (grandmother Beth) was teaching me was of great value but not until I found PNC did it really come together for me. I was a late comer to the world of artifice. Those of us living and working within the larger Industrial Society are severely disconnected from our primal power. What is worse is that we are completely unconscious of it. Our instinctual nature has been cut off like the grounding roots of a very old tree. The mechanical world has deprived us of our conscious connection to our deep ancestral roots--the very same roots that feed humanity and truly sustain us. We see this disconnect in the polluted air we breath, in our desecrated waters and in the tainted food we eat. The interdependancy of the ALL that IS has been forgotten and we look to the world of artifice to enliven and fulfill us. Never satsified, we travel further and further away from the one true antidote. The one true cure for what ails us is the natural world. Our primal sensory attractive relationship to the real world of Nature and all the raw elements, is the only place we can find healing and a restorative sense of well-being. However, before we can even attempt to feel better we have to acknowledge our need for the natural world. It is only through an active awareness of our destructive and prejudicial attitudes toward the natural world, the very foundation of ALL of Life, that we can begin to undo the damage, heal the wounds, halt the ignorance and educate future generations. The one binding truth that casts its shadow upon all who live on planet Earth is that we share this planet and are its stewards. My Earth Home Is My Temple . The natural attraction that i went to was the RIVER! (love it). I can take myself as an animal and my connectivity to the earth as natural intelligence. It is very hot out, so we are drawn to the river. We need vitamin D after a long rainy winter of too much indoors and we are magnetically pulled out side to go for a swim. Its quite beautiful really. When water is too cold, we can barley if at all, swim in it. If I am understanding fully, of natural intelligence, than this can be considered so as well. Our organs are being protected by our bodies avoidance and discomfort of the uncomfortable water. As I mentioned, today was a hot one. Luckily there was the most loveliest of breezes. This river spot I go to is reached by fjording across in order to reach this beautiful island. On this island one can find many different varieties of plants. Among those plants are tall grasses that I watched blowing in the gentle breezes. It made for a peaceful scene. So sweet. In thinking about these grasses, I realize that they in fact help to anchor the island to where it is, in essence. With out the roots, the ground would crumble in to the water. These plants continue to exist because insects pollinate them. So the presence of insects maintains the island! Another incredible thing about this spot is that there are 2 Ospreys and 2 Bald Eagles. Today we got to watch them almost fight mid-air. Pretty spectacular. The 3rd webstring I can say about is that these birds of prey control the rodent and small animal population, which control the insect population in turn. They live in this perfectly balanced eco system. The very first time when I went to the Redwood Forest in California- I had a profound experience in recognizing webstring connectivity. I was hiking around and came to find an area where the dirt was extrememly soft beneath me. In a step or two, I fell through! Not very deep- but it was just enough to show me how the earth can be formed, continually, from here on in. Trees grow, live, become old, die, fall over and decay right on back in. So much of the dirt that we walk on is from decayed trees and plant matter, just returned back. As far as appreceation goes- I feel that this is expressed in my countenance when on the river. I am just so happy. But, as it is that I am doing this activity by reflecting back on my day, I am inspired to intentionally thank places that bring my this feeling. "Look
at those cows and remember that the greatest scientists in the world
would have never discovered how to make grass into milk."- Micheal Pupin
I love this quote becuase it reminds us of the power of nature. There is alot to intelligence in the science community yet none of it holds a candle to nature. "Wherever
you may go, the least plant may bring you clear rememberace of the
Creator." - St. Basil
This is wonderful because we can see God in anything, anytime, when we are open and connected. No matter what/ how/ who you believe in, nature is proof of Holyness. However, I wonder if God know what a "least" plant is, Perhaps He just loves life in all forms and sizes. The most important things I learned are the concepts about asking permission to be in an area and if that place is happy to host. I learned about the idea of showing gratitude to a place. I learned about more webstring connectivity as mentioned above. I am grateful for this activity and the realizations that it catalyzed. I would not want it taken from me.I feel that I am a strong steward and suppporter of nature and always have been. Just being in nature always makes me feel closer to it. Re-education occured when I remembered the lay of the land and how the earth was built. Two words conveying what i learned are tranquility and happyness. I think these come up just beacuae I spent the day at the river and am pleased as punch to be back in summer mode. I know that my home is my temple with all my plants and the windows wide open. This is how i feel amongst the tall trees and soft fur of the ground. *
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Organic Psychology by doing it. http://www.ecopsych.comAchieve a Degree or Certificate to strengthen your professional interests, or your hobbies or pastimes, by connecting them with nature. Implement your strongest hopes as you increase personal and global well being. Topics, subjects or leisure pursuits can include those listed below or other areas of interest: |
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