Institute of Global Education
Applied Ecopsycology/Integrated Ecology 
©Copyright 1996 Michael J. Cohen


Part 9 Orientation Course Instructions

Before the course email posting begins, I would like participants to be aware of the following letter:

June 4, 1995 Dear Mike,
Having finally completed the Reconnecting With Nature course, I consider it very valuable to me and I'm glad I did it. As you know, I had to do it twice because some of the eight participants in my first interact group had little respect for each others needs with regard to taking the course. Even though they had good intentions, they knew that some of us were taking the course for credit or needed it for professional or personal reasons, yet they did not hold up to their end of the bargain very well -some not at all. Some did not keep up with assignments, so it became difficult to continue because I did not receive reactions to my postings to the group, or their assignments were so late that they made things confusing. Two people just quit the course without saying anything, and one did not follow the guidelines and quoted authors all the time instead of sharing what happened when he did the activities, if he ever did them.
Isn't there some way that you can screen those who say they want to take the course so that those that take it keep their participation commitment to the group? I think it was right for Erica, Dan and me to decide to start over with a new group. The second course was terrific, we all learned a lot and had a great time. We still write each other and Morgan actually visited me. I'm really happy things worked out for the best. Actually, I might have had to postpone my graduation if the course did not work out.
It seems to me that you should emphasize that on the course, as in nature, each individual depends upon the cooperation of the others to sustain the email group community. Our lives are usually so disconnected and out of our control that we often lose sight of the importance of what we can contribute and how much we gain from doing it. Also it might be better if the groups were smaller. Our second group of six worked well.
Thanks for offering the course. I'm looking forward to helping guide the next group and taking the second part of the program. Perhaps I'll send the new group a copy of this letter so they have some idea of what is needed to make the course work well.

In Friendship,
Ricki Forbes


How would you summarize the intent of the Orientation Course?
The object of this course is to help us let nature touch us with its sensory ,"non-literate," 4-leg, communications. We then translate these experiences into 5-leg stories that accurately relate how nature works from our experiences with nature. This beneficially influences the stories by which we now know the natural world of which we are part and that's the point of the course. Each time we repeat methods of relating to nature and each other that we presently believe in, we may loose the opportunity to discover what nature's wisdom might have to offer in the same area.
Our greatest challenge in each immediate moment is to respect and support nature in ourselves, others and Earth, rather than impose our often disconnected stories on its intelligence. Global warming suggests that the way we have learned to think is giving Planet Earth a fever. When you feel you trust these words and this moment, you are ready to proceed with the Assignment schedule.

As you have requested, we have saved a place for you on a forthcoming Orientation course section. Please be sure:
1) to confirm that you want to participate, sending your application by email. Hard copy the application and the $35.00 and other payment combinations by mail.
2) you are ready to continue to the course Preparation and Base Camp pages, whose addresses will be sent to you.
3) you have read the material above and are attracted to participating in this course.
(4) you have optionally ordered the RWN book and sent a SASE for your button if you have not elected to receive it with the book.
You will receive the final up-to-date course members email list a few days before the course starts. We are looking forward to the fun and strength the forthcoming weeks will bring.

Thank you for your interest and participation,

Michael J. Cohen
Institute of Global Education
Project NatureConnect

Letting Nature Teach
7 minutes

About the Natural Systems Thinking Process
10 Minutes

What is your Nature Sensitivity IQ? The EcoSensory Perception Intelligence Test.
35 minutes Discover and validate your maverick genius

Nature Connected Psychology: creating moments that let Earth teach
25 minutes Details of natural self-evidence



End of Instructions. Please wait for further Course instructions by email


Please note that this course is an outreach program of the Institute of Global Education, Department of Integrated Ecology and is subsidized by Project NatureConnect, past course participants and myself.

We welcome your support and suggestions for making this course available internationally.


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