Attraction Energies in Nature
Enhance Meditation
With respect to a nature connecting activity that you recommend
to precede meditation (14), a response you report is that people
have said it was like "a flower was holding my hand"
or "the grove smiled its consent"
Doesn't it seem interesting that the very "things"
we claim to respect about nature i.e. somehow gaining consent,
becomes limited by our unique/linear understanding. Doesn't it
also seem as though nature's balance is beyond our words...maybe
some form of poetic justice could be used...something where the
pattern, not the words create seems to me that to
explain nature with terms like "holding my hand" and
or "the grove smiling its consent" are off the mark
slightly, is it not enough to just be? To look and feel and know?
It seems like talking about the experience belittles it to yet
another human experience, rather than say a spiritual experience.
I'm not sure if this makes any sense to you, but... I am very
interested in psychology, phenomenology, philosophy, and nature....the
quilt like balance between all.
- a concerned neighbor
Dear Neighbor,
Thanks for sharing your excellent thoughts.
Abstract by definition means shortcut, to leave something
out. In this light, all words except perhaps words about language
are abstractions of the world.
Nature in its wholeness is mostly non-verbal, except for humanity.
Authentic Nature is not an abstraction. Rather it is a genuine
non-verbal reality, the relationships and process of the eons.
Humanity, however, is not whole without its sense of verbal
language. Verbalization is as much a gift of Nature and part
of our nature as is our eye or sense of touch.
Verbalization with respect to most things is an abstraction.
When you abstract nature you disconnect yourself from its integrity
because you lose its wholeness. It becomes words, representations
of the real thing rather than the real thing. Thinking with words
alone fools you into thinking you know Nature, even when you
know Nature is wordless.
We produce our troubles when our relationships are based on
abstraction alone. For this reason, my work enables people to
make thoughtful, non-verbal, sensuous contact with authentic,
wordless, Nature and thereby consciously become whole with Nature
for a time.
From that point on, the challenge becomes to become whole
as a human, to verbalize in way that sustains human wholeness
and supports personal, local and global natural systems as well,
for that is a major purpose of life. In that thoughtful, word-
congruent wholeness lies our personal and global integrity.
It is usually the effects of things that matter most and best
measure them.
Abstraction of nature, verbal or otherwise, is always off
the mark unless it leads to behavior that genuinely supports
nature's wholeness. Then abstraction is on the mark, even though
it may be off by definition. (Definitions, being words, are also
Nature connected meditation is seldom off the mark because
the person first gains consent to make genuine contact with real
nature via non-verbal attractions. This enables them to register
and embrace Nature in oneness. They then share words emanating
from their nature connection with others. Their inherent sense
of reason notes the effects of their words. If the effect is
for their words to somehow thoughtfully further their or other's
ability to support life in a balance, can their words really
be off the mark? If they say a tree held their hand or a grove
gave consent and that brought them or others to further support
all of life, whose mark are they off?
Not mine.
It's when we leave out any one of these steps that we may
be off the mark. We disrupt the peace inherent in Our or Nature's
wholeness and end up with the conflict, wars and abusiveness
that too often marks contemporary life within and around us.
Owls and Howls,